
Hello, I am Niraj Chemjong

Welcome to my portfolio! I'm a dynamic Full Stack Software Engineer with 9+ years of experience, specializing in the MERN stack, AWS, and serverless architectures. My expertise covers a wide range of projects, from e-commerce to tech infrastructure, excelling in both front-end and back-end development. Known for creating resilient solutions and enhancing project quality with AI tools and automated testing, I'm committed to innovation, continuous learning, and community involvement. Utilizing agile and CI/CD practices, I aim to deliver exceptional products that drive growth and exceed expectations.

< Software Engineer /> < Backend Developer | MERN Stack Specialist | API & System Integration Expert />

Specialized in MERN Stack, AWS, Serverless Architectures, CI/CD Practices, Microservices, AI-Driven Tool Development, Automated Testing Frameworks, ReactJS, Next.js, Node.js, Express.js, Cloud Computing, Database Management (SQL Server, DynamoDB, RDS, S3), and UI/UX Design.


Years of Experience


Specialized in React.js, Next.js, Express.js, and AWS Services. Committed to continuous learning and adopting emerging technologies.


Preferred IDE: VsCode. Proficient in using Docker, Jenkins, and GitHub for CI/CD pipelines.


Experienced with Agile methodologies, enhancing team collaboration and project efficiency.


Utilizes tools like Todoist, Asana, Trello, and Jira for project management. Experienced in microservices and serverless architectures for scalable solutions.

My Career History & Timeline

A narrative of my professional journey, highlighting key achievements and learnings.

+ 9

Years Of Experiences

  1. Feb 2012 - Jul 2015

    Junior Software Developer at NetworkWorld

    Core Technologies

    ASP.NET, C#, SQL Server

    Key Achievements

    Enhanced application performance and user satisfaction; successfully integrated new software solutions with legacy systems.

    Development Focus

    Focused on backend logic and database management, maintaining high code quality, and translating complex client requirements into functional software solutions.

    Professional Growth

    Refined SDLC processes with Agile methodologies, enhancing team collaboration and development efficiency.

  2. 2018 - 2021

    Bachelor of Information Technology


    Specialized in software and web development, focusing on full-stack technologies and modern web frameworks.

    Capstone Project

    Developed a mobile application using Flutter, Firebase, and Dart designed to facilitate the sharing of spare food and resources within communities.

    Technologies Used

    Utilized Flutter for UI design, Firebase for backend services, and Dart as the programming language, demonstrating a practical application of cross-platform development skills.

    Skills Gained

    Acquired skills in mobile app development, cloud services, database management, and cross-platform integration, preparing for a versatile career in software engineering.

  3. Feb 2019 - Jan 2024

    Initiated Freelance Web Development Career

    Key Achievements

    Situation: Recognized the need for tailored web solutions among small to medium-sized businesses.
    Task: Developed and launched multiple custom websites and e-commerce platforms.
    Result: Successfully boosted clients' online presence and sales, with projects delivering an average increase in customer engagement by 30%.

    Technologies Used

    Employed a wide array of technologies including HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, PHP, and WordPress, with a strong emphasis on responsive design and SEO optimization.

    Development Focus

    Focused on creating user-friendly, efficient, and scalable websites that are customized to client specifications and market demands.

    Professional Growth/Skills Gained

    Enhanced my expertise in front-end and back-end development, particularly in WordPress customization and SEO practices, leading to improved project turnaround times and client satisfaction rates.

  4. Feb 2020 - Jan 2021

    Software Engineering Intern at Condat Clients

    Key Achievements

    Situation: Advanced to a Software Engineer position to work on cutting-edge cloud solutions and AI-driven tools.
    Task: Led projects focusing on serverless architecture, enhancing operational efficiency and scalability.
    Result: Instrumental in the successful launch of innovative products, contributing to the company’s technological leadership in the industry.

    Technologies Used

    Gained experience with JavaScript, React, Node.js, and cloud services such as AWS.

    Development Focus

    Concentrated on the implementation of responsive design principles and server-side logic.

    Professional Growth/Skills Gained

    Acquired substantial experience in collaborative software development environments.

  5. Jan 2021 - Nov 2021

    Full Stack Engineer at Condat Clients


    Advanced to Full Stack Engineer, managing more complex aspects of development and assuming greater responsibility in projects.

    Development Focus

    Oversaw the creation and maintenance of scalable full-stack applications, ensuring best practices in code and system architecture.


    Streamlined project workflows, improved system performance, and contributed to key product enhancements that bolstered client satisfaction.

    Skills Applied

    Applied extensive knowledge in software architecture, database design, and cloud services to deliver robust and efficient software solutions.

  6. Current Position

    Software Engineer at Beyond Himalaya Tech

    Key Achievements

    Situation: Joined Beyond Himalaya Tech as a Software Engineer to innovate with next-gen technologies.
    Task: Led initiatives for serverless solutions and AI-driven tools to streamline business processes.
    Result: Achieved a significant reduction in operational costs and enhanced product intelligence, driving growth and client value.

    Technologies Used

    Utilized advanced serverless frameworks and AI services to develop high-performing applications.

    Development Focus

    Directed efforts on AI integration and cloud infrastructure to provide automated solutions.

    Professional Growth/Skills Gained

    Elevated expertise in serverless computing, AI, and strategic cloud solutions.


I believe in art and that is my passion throughout my life.


Portfolio Items

Contact Me Lets Get In Touch

"A great developer is a perpetual student, always seeking to learn and improve."


My Skype ID

@Niraj Chemjong